Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Writing Doesn't Have to Be a Chore (or Bore)

Writing has never been a strength of mine - both trying to write personally and then also trying to teach writing. I spent 3 years as a writing teacher to fourth graders but I, along with my students, struggled through it. I tried my best using writing webs, outlines, engaging story starters and more! Maybe part of the issue was the stress and strain of knowing that my ultimate goal was to get my room full of 24 fourth graders to pass the state standardized writing test, not so much the goal of helping them become excellent communicators (although I knew that's what I should have been striving for).

So, when we started homeschooling, I still held onto these feelings of being an inadequate writer. How was I going to impart a love of writing in my kids? Well, maybe a "love of writing" was too much to ask for. Just as long as I didn't instill feelings of writing being a chore or a bore, I'd call it a success.

Then one day I was talking to my friend, Jeannie, and she began to tell me about an amazing writing program that she and her son used from Andrew Pudewa and the Institute for the Excellence in Writing. She raved that for the first time her son was writing more and was actually enjoying it!

I figured why not give it a shot? I still remember that first day of this new writing program - the kids each set up a t.v. tray in the living room and we began watching the videos. In one of the first lessons Andrew said that in writing, we don't use pencils. Messy papers written in pen with corrections and changes and edits were the kind of papers he wanted to see. My kids promptly followed his instructions and threw their pencils on the floor! What a hoot! This is how our year of using the IEW writing program began! 

We used the program this past year and guess what? Since I was at home watching the teaching DVD's with my children, I began to do some of the assignments for myself. I was learning a whole new way of writing that totally made sense (to me and my kids).  I love the way he teaches writing by first reading quality literature and then mimicking the way something is written. For once, I actually enjoyed writing and my kids created some amazing written pieces. I was floored and hooked!

Back in May, my family and I were at a homeschool convention and who should we happen to meet in person? Andrew Pudewa himself! 

Do I consider myself an excellent writer and communicator? Nope. Am I better and more confident in writing? Yep. 
Do I enjoy teaching it? You betcha! (With Andrew Pudewa, and his program!)

My goal isn't to become a published author. My kids don't have a goal of writing a book (and I'd support them if they did) either. My goal is for my children to feel confident in what and how they're learning. To know that if one program doesn't work or isn't fitting their learning style, we can try something else. We don't have to stick with a particular curriculum for the entire year (like public schools do). Writing is no longer a chore and a bore!

One thing I want you to learn from all of this - no matter if you feel inadequate about teaching your children (we all do at some time or another!) or don't think you have the level of education you need, you CAN teach them at home. 

What matters is what your willing to do on behalf of children rather than your level of education or feelings of being inadquate.

I've started a list of resources on this blog to help you along the way. Most of the resources are in the Dallas / Fort Worth area but several are also online. If you have questions along the way, I'm here to be a resource to you and your family as well. Just ask!

Here's wishing you lots of fun learning and growing WITH your kids!

Happy Homeschooling!



  1. This is just what I needed. We're switching programs again because the independent learning program we were in had so many writing assignments, I felt we were just trying to stay caught up and the kids weren't learning to write well. So this school year it's going to be less about quantity and more about quality. Thank you for sharing!

    1. That's awesome Christine! I think they'll love it! It really was more about quality writing. We'd add "dress ups" to their rough drafts and it amazed me what they came up with (dress ups were taught just one or two at a time so they really got good at using them). Hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did!
