We are back to our studies once again looking forward to a fun year of learning, exploring, discussing, pondering and discovering! It's hard to believe that this will be our 5th year homeschooling and sometimes I feel like I have it figured out but more often than not, I feel like I don't.
Do you ever feel that way? I think one thing this year that is different for me from the previous years is the realization that I don't have to be perfect, have the "perfect" curriculum (by the way, it doesn't exist), have the "perfect" schedule or anything else - I just need God's grace and His direction and trust that "He's got this!" I need to wake up every day and get my "marching orders" from Him. And that sometimes the distractions of our day (or things I think are distractions) are just what was planned all along. I've known this in my head for years but I've finally let it sink into my heart.
A book that has helped me come to this realization is called Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie. I started this book earlier this summer and this handy little book has helped me SO much! Whether you're new to home school or have been homeschooling for years, this is a must-read book. Mackenzie gives so much insight and truth about why we are homeschooling (raising Christ followers), who we are living and homeschooling for (Christ alone), and how we can do all that from a state of rest (Yes! It is possible with God).
So, every morning I seek Him. Every morning I surrender my plans, my agenda, my "to do" list to Him. Some days I cross off items on my list, some days (actually many days), I don't. Many days there are distractions and that's OK. I'm resting in His plan. His direction.
So, we are back to home once again. Embarking on a new year of learning, growing and seeking. I know we'll have set backs and troubles along the way but with and through Christ we are going to have the best "Back to Home" year yet!
I wish you all the best on your Back to Home journeys! And, if you would like to start your own Back to Home educational journey, there are a ton of resources on my Database of Resources page to help get you started. It's the most rewarding, challenging and beneficial journey you'll ever take!
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