Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Home School Benefits - Sharing My Faith

Even though sharing and teaching my faith with my children wasn't my main reason for homeschooling when we started, it sure has become my main reason for keeping them home. 

I'm thrilled with so many resources that incorporate Biblical truths into our studies - everything from our math to our history to our science curriculum and more. It was so refreshing when we were studying ancient Egypt history that the stories from the Bible were included (like Moses leading the people out of Egypt). 

I attended public school and growing up it seemed to me that I had two different sides of myself - the one at school and the one at home/church. Not that I led two completely different lives, mind you, but I learned the Bible at church and all the other subjects at school. Never did the two worlds truly meet. How sad.

Now I feel like I can share with my children the wonders all around them and discuss together how all subjects are created by our Creator God. I feel like we can live it out and talk about God in all areas of our life and learning.

I love the scripture verses from Deuteronomy 6:6-8 that say, "These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

And, being at home with the kids, we do just that. The hours of time that I can "impress them on my children" at home is invaluable. I just think of the many hours of time that would be lost if they were away every day, all day at any other school. What a blessing to have them home so I can share my faith and beliefs with them - 24/7!

Happy homeschooling,

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